Corrosion Conference

posted July 2018

MEE engineers, Ryan Haase and Neal Hanke, will be attending the NACE International (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) Central Conference in Omaha on August 6-8. The technical program will include presentations on failure analysis and MIC, Microbiological Influenced Corrosion.  The MEE staff specializes in root-cause failure analysis. Our experience encompasses many types of material behavior and modes of failure including mechanical and corrosion mechanisms.

MEE will have a booth in the exhibit hall. Look for the booth with the cool microscope images of corrosion and MIC.

Profile of pitted area of a pipe wall.



MEE Expansion Project

posted July 2018

This summer we will be starting work on the latest expansion of our laboratory and office space. The design includes a much needed expansion of the metallographic lab, project inspection area and administrative space.

We have designed the new inspection are for easier access between the inspection room, SEM (scanning electron microscope) lab, light microscopy lab, shop and conference room. The expanded metallographic lab will provide a more efficient work space for multiple technicians working at the same time.

“Before picture” of new space.

MEE is expanding into the suite next door.